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TJ came to our clinic for the first time when she was 14 days old. She had a respiratory infection and presented in respiratory distress. Her oxygen was low and she was in trouble. Supplemental oxygen was started and she was suctioned. Oxygen saturations normalized. She received antibiotics, albuterol and steroids. Her respiratory distress gradually resolved over the next several days and she was weaned off oxygen and discharged home 3 days after arrival.

She came for follow up last week. She is pictured below with her mother.

I love this picture. TJ’s mom was so worried when she brought her to clinic and then so happy when she took her healthy baby home. Day to day life is hard in Haiti. Many Haitians struggle to feed their families. Many homes do not have electricity and running water. Political instability and gang violence add additional stress to the lives of many Haitians. The hardship and stress can weigh people down and lead to apathy, I suppose as a coping mechanism. The joy expressed by TJ’s mom is refreshing. Her baby was very sick and now she is better. That is something to smile about and rejoice about.

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