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Villagers View ~ Lalan

Most of the homes in our village are made of rocks and cement for the wall, and are covered with a tin roof. The floors are made of cement. There are many farmers in the area. They grow roots, corn, beans, grains, bananas and mangos. We mostly eat rice and beans for our meals. The village really works together to help those in need, we always put our heads together to do what needs to be done.

The biggest event that has happened in our area was a hurricane that passed in 2008. It damaged many homes in the area. It made the earth fall in several places. It ruined many gardens and crops. There were also people that died that day. I also remember this time because before the hurricane I considered the village to be a beautiful place and now it is not like it was.

There are not any school in the village. You have to travel to another village to find a school to go to. There are 2 vodou houses but no churches in the area. If you want to attend church you must also travel to a near by village. The children in the area like to play soccer, marbles and ride bikes. The adults enjoy when it rains as the crops will grow well. They also work together to plant large gardens for families.

I really enjoy living in my village. It is a nice peaceful play where they are not many fighting. It has trees so you can rest in the shade. I wish the area would have electricity, a road, churches and schools.

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