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Bedayson was brought to the clinic by his mother and grandmother.  He has lived on and off with both of them in his short life.  He began showing signs of kwashiorkor about 1 month before coming to the clinic. Once his skin began peeling off the family decided to make the 6 hour trip to the clinic. They traveled by foot, motorcycle, and taxi to arrive at the clinic. The parents are separated but are both farmers and grow beans, corn, and grains in their gardens. There are 5 other children that live in the 2 room home that is made of cement, rocks and covered with a tin roof.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  They get their water from a source that is about a 2 hour walk from their home. Besides the painful swelling in his body, he also has a cold/cough and has been passing worms for several months now.  His hair is also failing out due to the severe malnutrition.

Marvens had been living with his paternal grandfather and mother until a month before being admitted for inpatient care. His mother left the home and did not return. She is young at 17 years old. She only breastfed for a month and it was difficult for the family to afford infant formula. Before being admitted he had a fever for 8 days and a cough. The grandpa is a farmer and has many banana gardens.  He lives in a 2 room home made of cinder block and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at the home, but do have an outhouse.  They get their water from a source they walk to or purchase it from a vendor near their home. Grandpa traveled about 50 minutes by motorcycle to arrive at the clinic.

Loudmia lives with her father and 8 others in a 2 room home made of clay, rocks and covered with a tin roof.  The parents are both farmers and grow beans, corn and grains in their gardens. They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse. They get their water from a piped water system that is about a 15 minute walk from their home. Loudmia has one sibling that died from diarrhea. Before she was admitted for inpatient care she had vomiting, water diarrhea, cold/cough and the beginning signs of kwashiorkor with mild edema in her feet. She was started on the F-75 therapeutic milk and then graduated to the medika mamba program.

Wiskendaika was referred to us from another outpatient mamba program.  She has been in the program for several months without much change in her weight.  Her father decided to come and have her admitted for inpatient care.  Even with inpatient care gaining weight has been slow for her. Besides not eating well she also had a cold when admitted. She lives with her parents and brother in a 1 room home made of cinder block. She has one sibling that died at birth. The family have gardens where they grow bananas and roots. The mom works at a school where she cares for the younger children in preschool. The family traveled 2 hour by motorcycle and taxi to arrive at the clinic.

Blandine was brought to the clinic by her mother. Her dad is a construction worker and builds homes.  Her mom does not work.  Blandine is an only child. The family has a few gardens where they grow beans and corn.  They live in a 1 room home made of cinder block and covered with a tin roof.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse.  They purchase their water from a pump near their home. Blandine became ill after her mom stopped breastfeeding her and she did not eat well.  Before being admitted she had edema for 1 month, cough, diarrhea and her hair was beginning to fall out.

Tiraline was brought to the clinic by her mother.  She has edema is her legs due to malnutrition called kwashiorkor. She lives in a 1 room home with her mother and 2 siblings.  The home is made with rocks and clay and is covered with a thatch roof.  She has 4 other siblings that are older and live in Port-au-Prince.  The parents are farmers and grow beans, corn, and grain in their gardens.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse. Besides malnutrition Tiraline been passing long earthworms. The family traveled 5 hours by foot to arrive at the clinic.

Jeannica was brought to the clinic by her mother.  The family of 8 lives in a 2 room home made of rocks, clay and is covered with a tin roof.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet but do have an outhouse.   They get their water from a source that is about a 1 hour walk from their home. The family are farmers and grow beans, corn, and grains in their gardens. There family has already lost one child to kwashiorkor.  Jennica become ill about 5 weeks before being admitted.  She began showing sings of kwashiorkor last week and her mom was very worried and traveled by foot and motorcycle for 5 hours to arrive at the clinic.

Changlet was brought to the clinic by his mother.  He has been healthy most of his life maintaining a good weight for his height.  In the past month before he was admitted he began to lose weight and then began showing signs of edema. He did not want to eat and said he felt sick all the time. After further evaluation it seems that he has a problem with his heart.  He has been on a waiting list to see a doctor for this for several months and we are hopeful that he will be seen in the next few weeks.  He lives at home with his brother, parents, and grandmother.  They live in a 2 room home made of rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof.  They do not have running water at their home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  They must walk 2 hours to the nearest clean water source for drinking water. 

Rodeley was brought to the clinic by his mother. His mom grows beans and corn in her gardens. She also collects rocks and breaks them into gravel. They live in a 1 room home made of wood and covered with a tin roof. They do not have running water at the home or a flush toilet, not even an outhouse.  They purchase their water from a vendor that lives near their home. Rodley began showing signs of edema a few days before he came to the clinic.  He also had diarrhea, fever and vomiting.

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