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May 18th Haitian Flag Day

Haitian Flag Day is a Haitian holiday to celebrate the creation of the Flag of Haiti and revolution in Haiti that gave its people freedom from France and set the precedent for slave uprisings in the US. The day is celebrated each year on 18 May, which is the anniversary of the date of the flag’s adoption in 1803.

What does the Haitian flag symbolize? The most significant symbolism of the Haitian flag is within its coat of arms which is centered on the bicolor background. The coat of arms features weapons that represent the nation’s readiness to defend its freedom. This national symbol also features a royal palm that represents independence.

The current Haitian flag is made up of two horizontal bands: a blue one on top and a red one below. Red symbolizes the blood and the sacrifices made during the Haitian Revolution, and blue stands for hope and unity. The slogan on the flag reads L’union fait la force , “In unity we find strian flag is made up of two horizontal bands: a blue one on top and a red one below. Red symbolizes the blood and the sacrifices made during the Haitian Revolution, and blue stands for hope and unity. The slogan on the flag reads L’union fait la force , “In unity we find strength.”The Haitian Flag

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