Saturday Morning Snack…

  • Arcade Fire coming to Haiti.
  • One negative way NGO’s can impact local communities.
  • Complex problems often have complex solutions. I’m not sure it is as simple as this, but strengthening Haiti’s economy needs to look more and more like this.
  • No more speculation. Former President Aristide is back from his South African exile.
  • AP has a new man in Haiti, Trenton Daniel. Follow him on twitter for the latest updates on Haiti. Also follow Emily Troutman, as she is thoroughly entertaining with her running commentary on developments in Haiti.
  • The Livesays make some warranted observations about short term missionaries and the difference between them helping or hindering the work of the resident missionary.
  • An articles comparing the recovery of Japan over against the recovery of Haiti, and why Haiti is a state of perpetual struggle. If you don’t want to read the article, but want to understand why Haiti persists with problems, this quote sums up the article. “In Haiti, a lack of (viable economic) markets means little profit and virtually no wealth, no progress, no resilience against uncertainty, and thus no hope.”
  • Despite Aristide’s return, the Presidential Election Run-Off is still slated for Sunday, March 20. Please pray for Haiti, that wise decisions will be made and peace, stability, and sustainable growth will come to the Haitian people.


  1. Jess says

    Good stuff!

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