New graduating class

RHFH has been having literacy classes for several years now.  Classes last for months.  We accept anyone that wants to attend and cannot read or write.

Here is a testimony of one of the students: I want to tell God thank you because He has done a great work in my life.  If today I can read and write it is a big miracle. I cound not do anything.  Now if I see my name written someplace I know that it is my name.  I want to tell those that have helped with this class in teaching and materials  thank you.  I want to tell our teacher Gilbert thank you for not getting discourage with us.

Another testimony:  I tell God thank you and I feel happy today for the big dream that has happened in my life.  If I go some where today and they ask me to sign my name, before I had to just make and X, but today I can sign my name.  I want to tell everyone thank you for helping me.  You sent books for us and helped us.  I want to thank the professior for his help and tell him to not be discouraged.  Some days he had to hold my hand to help me write, he had a lot of patience with me to help me to be able to read.  I thank him.

Here is the graduating class.  We are so excited for them.


  1. Ralph, Sharel and Loudnie says

    Is Gilbert the tutor that taught Loudnie when she was there? I don’t remember who it was but I am here to tell you that this little girl loves to learn and after changing families, countries, languages and cultures gets staights A’s in every subject. Thank you to whoever had a hand in her education. Hope to bring her back for a visit before long.
    Loundie Sylme Marcums Parents
    Ralph and Sharel

  2. Jacci in Ohio says

    AWESOME!!! 🙂 Big smiles here in Ohio.

  3. Debbie Woodward says

    I love this. Please say hello to Gilbert and thank him for all he does to help others in Cazale learn.

  4. Bekki says

    So happy to see the newest graduates! I am especially thrilled to see that men have finally decided to join the class – not that women don’t need it just as much, just glad to see someone be the FIRST man. Give Gilbert my congratulations and love from his Sister Bekki, Brother Eddie, and our kids.

  5. Dee says

    These people have my admiration for their courage and determination to step forward and be an example to their families and community. God bless Gilbert for his love of learning and his obvious gift of being able to inspire this in others!

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