By God’s Grace

I recently returned from a trip visiting family in Washington State. While there, I went to several medical appointments, dental appointments, my kids had appointments. I couldn’t help but be struck by the fact that everything we needed was at our fingertips, in contrast to Haiti, where virtually everything is a struggle. We purchase many of the medications for our patients in Port au Prince, which isn’t currently the safest of places, but 2 of our staff members manage to make it happen. There are some medications we cannot reliably purchase in Haiti, such as steroid inhalers for our asthma patients. We purchase these from Blessings International. We buy other medications from MAP International. People donate medications. Christian Aid Ministries has donated truck load after truck load of medications. We get medical supplies donated from many individuals (Holly and Tena), from Gateway Medical Alliance, from MATTER (Lorraine), and a variety other sources. We purchase lab supplies and reagents from Worldwide Lab Improvement in addition to some supplies locally in Port au Prince. We get funds to do all of the above from individual donors, local churches, and also from NGOs. As you can see, through God’s great Provision and Providence, Real Hope for Haiti gets a lot of help, literally from all over the world. So we thank you and so do our patients.   


  1. Jan says

    Seeing this all happen with my own eyes taught me so much about reaching out beyond the walls of our ministries. Thankful for all you do to provide medical care to those who are under served.

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