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Throwback Thursday~Patelma

Patelma was a man that lived in Cazale many years ago. He did not have any family around and was on his own. He often drank alcohol (the homemade stuff) to the point he would pass out. There were several times during our friendship I believe God had our paths cross. The first time was many, many years ago. Lori and I went for a long 5 hour hike. We got lost and it was very hot in the sun. We were in the middle of nowhere and came upon him passed out in the weeds in the hot sun. We could not get him to wake up and there was no one around to help us with him. Lori grabbed his shoulders and I grabbed his lower legs. We carried him to a shade tree. We had water and food and were able to get him awake and get some fluids and food in him. He went on his way that day happy as could be. There were several other times we were able to help him when he most needed it. When he was sober, he could have a good conversation with you.

The first night cholera hit our area in Cazale there were over 20 people that came needing immediate help. Early the next morning, Yves (employee) found Patelma, near death, laying on the road. He had cholera. Everyone was scared of people with cholera when it first hit so no one would help him. Yves got a wheelbarrow and went and got him in it. He was so close to dying and I will forever be grateful to Yves for getting him. Above is a picture of the shoes he had on when Yves got him. They had to be thrown out due to contamination at the time. We got him another pair, but this picture brings back so many memories of him and the begin of the cholera time.

In June of 2013, they found Patelma with his head bashed in. Someone had attached him during the late night. He stayed on the road all night until the next morning when he was found. He was alive, but not conscious. We brought him to the clinic and made him as comfortable as we could. He died the next day. He was a friend, he was loved by God, and I am glad that I knew him.

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