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Villagers View~Coutanseau

The village of Coutanseau in on the main road driving into Cazale. It is a small village along the river. There are 2 churches in the area and 4 voodoo temples. There is not a school in the area so the children have to walk to other villages to attended school. The closest is almost 1 mile away.

There are many different types of houses in the area. Those that are well off build their homes with cinder block, and cement. They normally have a cement roof , but some are covered with tin. Others will build homes with rocks, clay and sticks. Some make a stick frame and then cover the walls with a tarp.

Those that are sick go to the clinic in Cazale, or travel out to the next town to other hospitals or clinics. Most women in the areas deliver their children in their homes. They have the help of a local “midwife” that is trained down from others. Those that have complicated go to a bigger town with a hospital to deliver if they can find money to go.

There is not much development in the area. The country is not good now so people are not doing big projects. They people in the village wish they have electricity, a better road and a school for the children.

They plant beans, corn, yams, roots, watermelon and bananas in the area. There are not many activities in the area. During soccer season there is a big soccer field that is near the village so people come each evening for the games. Also in the evenings, if it is not raining, people like to walk and visit others in the area. The people mostly like to live their own lives but if there is a problem in the area they do their best to come together to find a solution.

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