New tent….new tent

We had 2 medical student volunteer’s here from Haiti Serve this past week. We also had a friend of Angela’s (the boy’s teacher) that is an EMT visiting.  Out tent was in bad shape.  Haiti Serve is a great group of people that love to come along side others and just help out where ever and however they can.  They asked us if we had a need and sent us a new tent for the kids.  It is very nice and even has a screened in porch!  Everyone loves it!

The guys spent Friday morning tearing down the old and and setting up the new tent.

We had so much fun setting up the new beds.  Claudette’s bed is in the right hand corner.  She has a window by her bed so she can look out and see everyone.

view from the side

The kids love the new tent and are so happy.  Thank you to everyone that helped with this need. 

Live simply that others might simply live.  ~Elizabeth Ann Seton


  1. Nicole says

    Thats one massive tent, if it can even fit bunk beds in it!!! Its like the penthouses of tents……I could use one of those for our camping adventures!! It looks more like a small house!!!

  2. Jess says

    Danggg… That is one good lookin tent!

  3. Rob says

    Great God send!

  4. Vickie says

    Wow what a great tent! I am in awe of God’s provisions
    for RHFH.

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