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Staff Spotlight~Sylio

My name is Sylio. I have been working at RHFH since Jan 2020. The job I was hired for was a Chaplain at the clinic. This job is to pray and talk with the patients and staff that come to RHFH. I do devotions in the mornings with the staff. I also do classes in the afternoon with the youth in the area. When there is a death I talk to and pray for the family. When COVID came to our area I began to help with this as well. I help at the gate where patients come in by making sure they have mask, taking their temperature and directing them to the correct location. Also when an emergency comes I help get them through the process.

I live in a home with my mother and sister. I like the work that I do because it is important. It permits me to be able to talk to many people about God. It give me an opportunity that not everyone has to share with them and pray with them. The only thing I do not like about my work is when people get mad to easy, or do not listen so that they can understand the process of the clinic.

The work helps me to be able to live and be able to make a budget for myself each month. I am also able to help other people as well. I like living in the area because this is where I grew up and went to school at, it is my home. I wish Cazale had better leaders that would work together for everyone. RHFH is important in our area and they help with health, education, nutrition and many other things. I want them to build a bigger place so that we can serve people better. I am a Christian and attend church in Cazale. I would ask that you pray that God would give me more wisdom, understanding and good thinking so that I can continue my work well.

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