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Words from Gretchen~Dec 1994

I had clinic this morning and could write a lot about all the people we saw- over 50 today. We had to turn away some as we ran out of time. There are people that come and look in the window to see what we are doing. The roosters and chickens walk around freely and sometimes wonder into the clinic. The area is very dry without any good water sources. There is dust that blows everywhere. It feels good to take a shower after a long day. I see so many things with my eyes that my mind has trouble comprehending.

We had a lot of badly malnourished children today and one pregnant mother who I do not think will survive. We see two types of malnutrition here one is called marasmus-this is where they look like skin and bones. The other kind is called kwashiorkor or kwash. We are seeing children with this more now than before. It caused swelling/edema. The kwash is much more difficult to recover from that the marasmus. After a time, if not treated they will go into kidney failure. One pregnant lady that came had signs of kwashiorkor that was very bad. We do not often see this in adults but are beginning to have patients come like this. Even her face was swollen. We had another child in terrible condition. She was swollen all over-her legs were so swollen and full of water that they spit open in several places and the skin was peeling off in others. She had a sister with her as well that was not as bad but still malnourished. We did what little we could but and I did not feel like it was enough. I asked if I could pray with and for them. I prayed in english, but the presence of our God fell upon us and the girl who had been crying from pain stopped. The mom, dad and I all had tears in our eyes. I really felt the love of God pouring out to this family. So many times in the gospels it says Jesus looked at the people and had compassion for them. I have thought of these words many times. A lady I do not even know sent me a poem that kind of goes along with this.

Lord, Stand before the window of my eyes that when I look out, I see through You; and when others look in, You are the first thing they see.

A good poem-but sometimes hard to accomplish. Only two more weeks until the girls will be here. I can’t hardly stand the excitement of thinking about them being here. They sound like they both need a big rest but we have many things scheduled. We are going to try to give 1600 children in the feeding centers all a gift. We hope to make a trip to the beach. Anywhere we are together will be a blessing.

Had to leave for a bit from the letter writing. There was a very cute 11 month old that burned himself by pulling boiling oatmeal like liquid over himself. I have been doing the daily dressing changes for a week now. It is healing well and hopefully he will be done in 4 or 5 days. His mom is very concerned about him and helps to calm him while we are cleaning and changing the dressings. There are people that come to the gate throughout the day in search of help or needs they have.

Going to close for now. Going to write the girls. I’m only sending out 4 letters this week. Normally it is closer to 40 so you can see how busy the week has been. I forgot to tell you on Saturday there were 8 couples that got married at the church. We did all the cakes and helped in getting clothing and shoes for everyone. Now that is over on to the Christmas crunch! Praise the Lord! Love and miss you all!

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