Real Hope Academy~Meet our students!

This year we have 4 students that attend the RHA. Each month a student will share some facts and current information about themselves. First up is GRACE!

Grace Hannah Zachary

Fast Facts :

Grade- 9th
Birthplace- New Orleans, Louisiana

Modest Modifiers : Quiet, Curious, Resilient

Fun Favorites :

Subject- History
Haitian meal- Rice and Sòs Pwa (bean sauce)
Pastime- Listening to music
American Restaurant- Chick-fil-A
Fiction Book- The Giver by Lois Lowery
Book of the Bible- Ruth
Color- Green

   When I am outside of school, I like to read. I enjoy reading fantasy, historical fiction and realistic fiction. I also like to write and have wanted to be an author since I was 8 years old. Right now, I am actually taking a six-week online writing class. It has been an exciting experience and I’m really glad to be taking the course.
   I love living here in Haiti and am so glad that God brought my family here to live. If He hadn’t, I would not have met so many wonderful people or made so many wonderful memories. I am continuing to grow and learn about God. He shows me His love every day and how to use that love to serve and encourage others.


  1. Sandy Kinnaman says

    I enjoyed getting to know you Grace.

  2. Sharel Marcum says

    I did not know we had things in common. I also am a big reader. GIVER is one of my favorites also. It is lovely to hear from you and to see how you see your life. You are a blessing . SHAREL

  3. Susan McAnelly says

    You are growing into a wonderful young lady. What a rich source you have to write from. Good luck in everything you do!

  4. Joan Brizendine says

    Grace it is so nice to know all these wonderful things about you. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

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