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A 71 year old man came to clinic last week because he needed dressing changes for a wound in his back and chest. He had taken his cow out to pasture. He took a machete with him to cut branches for his cow to eat. A man with a gun stopped him and asked him what he was doing. He told the man he was feeding his cow. The armed man told him to go away. So he did. He turned around and starting walking away with his cow. He was then shot in the back. The bullet entered his upper back and came out his chest. Fortunately, it did not hit anything vital. He received medical care at a nearby hospital, but then the area became unstable so he is staying in Cazale for a bit. This man has a slow shuffling gait and he is a little malnourished. He is not an imposing figure, with or without a machete. And yet, he was shot in the back.

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