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C.C. is a 15 year old young woman who came to clinic last week with swelling of both of her legs. She was extremely malnourished and very anemic. She lives with her father and younger siblings in the mountains above Cazale. There is no road to her village. It is a 5 hour walk from Cazle to her house. Her mom died about 1 year ago. The cause of death is not clear from the history provided. But C.C. has been coughing for 11 months and losing weight. She was sent for testing for tuberculosis which was positive. She came back to clinic with the results. Treatment is available but she will need to follow at a clinic every month in Arcahaie. Her father was overwhelmed with the idea of taking her to a clinic every month for treatment. C.C. has an adult sister, but she, her husband and 4 children are living with a friend in Cazale because they fled from their house several weeks ago when a gang attacked their community. C.C. cannot stay with sister in a crowded house as she may infect everyone in the house with tuberculosis.

After considering all the options, C.C is staying at clinic until she is no longer infectious, probably 2-4 weeks. She needs to stay in a well ventilated room without any roommates in order to avoid infecting anyone else with tuberculosis. C.C. is a gravely ill. Please pray that the medication will work quickly and that she will not suffer significant side effects.

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