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Words from Gretchen~Jan 1995

A letter written to her mother:

It is Friday morning early-it is a beautiful clear day but the wind has returned-we all have chapped lips from being out in the weather even for a short time. The wind feels good though. It finally has cooled off- great sleeping weather. We still work up a sweat in no time during the day, but I can tell the change if weather by my showers, the water is cold again.

This week has gone really fast like they all do here. I have worked in the clinic alone and it has taken me about 1.5 hours more to see 40 patients than when the Haitian nurse is with me. She will be back next week. She went to the USA for 2 weeks. I enjoy seeing the pregnant woman and new mothers. We have been working on creating birthing kits to give them when they are 8 months along. These kits are simple and have gauze, string, razor blade, and gloves. Most of the ladies have their babies at home. Those assisting during the deliveries do not have the supplies they need. We have babies that come in with cords that are cut very long. When they do not have a clean blade they use a knife, glass or something that is sharp. We had a meeting with some of the birth attendants to see what needs they have. We were able to give them supplies to have at their homes. They helped us come up with the idea for the kits. They will be telling the pregnant women in their villages to come to the clinic to get a check-up and follow each month. It has been a joy to work with them and hear their stories.

This coming week we will have 170 people here for a conference then we will be finished until the 1st of June. The other missionaries here are leaving for several months. They will speak in churches and rest in the USA. They will also be there for the birth of their first grandchild. There will be another couple here helping but many of the responsibilities for the work will fall on us, Are we ready? No, but with the Lord’s help we will manage the best we can.

I wanted to let you know that the toy giveaway was a big success. The children came with their families. Every child (about 1800) received a comb, toothpaste, toothbrush, pens, barrettes, socks, soap, and shampoo. We were also able to give them all toys. What a time they had with their families. It took several days to sort and package the items. The parents were thankful and it has been a joy to see the children in the village playing with the toys, jumping rope, playing with yo-yo’s, dolls and cars.

Sorry to close but duty calls, as there are patients needing help at the gate. This coming week will make one year since we have been here. It really does not seem like that at all. I miss you all so much and think of you often. To God be all the Glory.

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