Throw back Thurs~Planting Trees

In 2008 and 2009 the Community Development Group (GVADK) worked in the community to plant trees and work on erosion issues in the area. We began by starting a tree nursery to grow trees to replant along with vetiver.

A group of volunteers, from GVADK, went out once a week to work on problem areas. We transported the trees that we had been growing to these areas. We worked together with others in the community to stop erosion in their areas.

It has been about 15 years since we planted and worked in the area. We lost some trees to goats or people cutting them down to make charcoal. But we are very happy to report that many, many trees lived and held the areas on sides of mountain up so they did not wash away. Always remember change does not happen it a day, it takes time and commitment.


  1. Nancy Dillon says

    Love this post! I had just told my son that building relationships take time. We are to be like trees planted by the water Ps. 1:2-3 and Jer. 17:7-8. I love trees. Your project is a great success. Congrats on your hard work and patience.

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