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Words From Gretchen Feb 1994

Hello Girls,

It has been blowing dust and dirt around like crazy here today. I finally got the office fixed up as a place where I can sit and write letters. It is all organized nicely and dad and I can both sit out here and work at the same time. I guess it is really windy and dusty here in Feb and March, sometimes it is so bad it reminds me of fog at home. I keep having to brush dust off the papers to write.

I’ve included a list of some needs we have. No rush in sending them. It might be nice to send Casey a care package from time to time. He really enjoyed the last box you sent. Yesterday they had the Agape (mailing service) board meeting here. Several people flew in from FL. They were able to bring out of the boxes that have been stored in town for several weeks. There were boxes we packed before we left Indiana with last minute things. There were some games, stained glass, pictures and some random food. There was a box a cereal, that somewhere along the line a rat or mouse got into. We could see the hole it made and there was not a single piece left. I carefully unpacked to make sure the visitor was not still in the box. It was good to get these items unpacked and put away.

I feel like there is so much to write you and I do not want to forget all the stories to tell you. But there is only so many hours in a day. The other couple here will be leaving for a few month to visit family and take a break. I am working on my language skills to be able to communicate better with those I am serving. Dad has been busy this week drilling a well. This normally take 7 to 10 days and is normally 140 feet deep. They hit a small spring at around 15 feet but kept digging. We really need to find more water as we are giving out about 8,000 gallons of water a day now. There are 2 village that depend on the water supply. We are working to fill out paperwork with the U.N. in hopes of getting some fuel for humanitarian use. Right now if you can find it fuel is $22 a gallon. We use the fuel to pump the water up from the wells to be able to give it out. We also use the fuel to delivery much needed food to several feeding programs. Also pray that we get rain soon. There has not been rain for 4.5 months now. Hope you are both well-love you-miss you Mom

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