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Villagers View Fond Blanc

Many years ago there was a group of Polish men that lived in our village. They did not return to their country and stayed and married with those in the village. For this reason there are many in our community that have light skin and have blue or green eyes. The village of Fond Blanc is a place where everyone is family. People help those in needs, we try to live like brothers and sisters. But sometimes we have discussions about different issues. In our area there are lots of mango trees that bring us fruit to eat. There are also several water sources. For these 2 things we are very thankful. There are many places to find water and we have a piped water system.

A public place to get piped water

Most of the homes in the are are made of rocks, clay and covered with a tin roof. Most homes have a outhouse as well. There are 3 schools in the area. The grades are preschool to 9th grade. There are 6 churches in the area and 7 voodoo temples. The children in the area play soccer, jump rope, shoot marbles, and play tag.

We do not have any medical clinic in our area. We used to have to carry anyone out on a bed, or door if they were ill. But now we can travel by motorcycles. Most women in the area deliver with a birth attendant. If they cannot deliver at home they must travel several hours to find a hospital. When some dies they must be buried within 24 hours unless the family decides to take them to a morgue. When someone dies we have a wake the night before the burial.

An area where there is fresh water.

In our area most people are farmers and grow crops for a livings. There are a few teachers in the school. Also those that have small businesses where they sell food for those in the area. We grow beans, sweet potatoes, bananas, millet, mangos, avocados and breadfruit. We enjoys eating rice and beans, mangos, sugar cane and corn. In our free time we watch rooster fights, soccer and listen to music. We are very thankful that we have water and can grow food in our area.

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