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Words from Gretchen~ a letter to her girls in Feb 1994

Am I doing ok writing you? Is it enough? It seems like everyday I write in my spare time. I am writing all the thank you letters and answering other people letters that have written us. I started keeping tract of the incoming letters and outgoing letters to make sure I do not miss anyone. We are going to someone’s house tonight to eat. They are making cheeseburgers, french fries and brownies. We are looking forward to that. Yesterday Casey only had 3 hours of school, so him and a few of the other boys hiked up the mountains behind the house. One part was so steep they had to use their hands to crawl up. He said it was a good view and there were many birds up there. He is going to try and take some pictures next time.

After prayer this morning there were a lot of people waiting at the gate. All the sick were infants or children. Fevers, colds, skin infections, eye infection etc. After I got them all taken care of a lady came staggering down the lane with her 3 boys, ages 5, 8 and 10. As soon as she got in front of the gate she fell over like she was dead. Pastor Kelly was here helping me and was able to talk to the boys. They had walked several hours over the mountain. Their house had burned down and they lost everything. We gave the mom some Gatorade and spoon fed her some rice that we had left over from summer. She had not eaten for several days and was just skin and bones. We were able to pray with them. When we began to pray the boys took their shoes off and kneeled on them. We were able to share some peanut butter with them and other food to last until Monday. Then the older boy will come back to get some more food. Then we will see them again in a few weeks. This is the 3rd extra family we have been able to help this week. Things are getting bad from the embargo. Prices have doubled on most staple foods.

Can you send some packs of kool aid? Just put them in envelopes. I made some tea but it did not keep well since we do not have electricity all the time. We are looking for fuel again as it is hard to find anywhere. If you can find it you have to pay $22 a gallon.

We are hopeful some more donations will come in soon. This week we just got $5 from JW, which I know was a sacrifice for her. Guess I should bring this to a close- as always we miss you and hope all is going well for you both. Just keep doing your best and draw close to God. love you always, MOM

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