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Thankful for Medika Mamba

Last fall we were unable to get mamba like we had been getting it for year in the capital of Port-au-Prince. This was due to roads being blocked and areas begin taken over by gang activity. We began making AKAMIL (a high-protein porridge) for the children that were moderately malnourished and saving what mamba we had for the severely malnourished children. We then began working on finding a way to get more medika mamba to Cazale.

One of our employee had family in the town where the mamba is produced. They were able to help us hire a truck to transport the mamba on back roads to a closer town. We contact some missionary friends in that town to see if they could find a truck to get it closer to us. They also wanted to order mamba so we put the orders together and began the process. We got the mamba as close as we could by vehicle and then stored it at an employees family members house. The house owner owned 2 horses. He came and we made a price with him to transport the mamba via horse. This journey took 5 hours (one way) of walking up and down mountains with each horse being able to carry 5 boxes of mamba. Over the next several months once a week they would make the trek to Cazale with the mamba. This is how we were able to continue to give mamba to the severely malnourished children in outpatient care and keep up the supply for the children in inpatient care.

We are thankful for teamwork and collaboration with our employees, caring Haitians and other organizations. Without us working together we would not have been able to provide life saving mamba to so many children the last 8 months.

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