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Staff Spotlight~Isemene

My name is Isemene. I have 7 children. Both of my parents have died. I have 3 living brothers. I live in a 3 room home built with cinder block, cement and is covered with a tin roof. I have a outside kitchen and outhouse. I live with 4 of my children and 3 grandchildren. We do not have running water at out home but can walk a short distance to get water.

I have been working on and off at RHFH for several years as a part time worker. I would work for people when they were sick or on vacation. Now I have a full time job working in the kitchen preparing food for the children in the nutrition center. I want to tell you about my work day. When I get to work in the morning I sweep and clean the room before I began to make the food. Next I look at the menu to see what I need to make for the day. I prepare breakfast. Some examples of would be, oatmeal, fish with boiled bananas, spaghetti and hotdog, soup. Once breakfast is cooked I transfer it to large containers. This helps keep the food warm for the kids until they are ready to eat, I do this for each meal. After this I take a break and drink some water. I then prepare lunch. This is the biggest meal of the day. Some examples of lunch would be, rice, bean sauce and chicken, millet and beef, rice, beans and fish, cracked corn and stew. When lunch is prepared I also send the afternoon snack. This is cracker and cookies or fruit with milk or juice. Dinner is our lightest meal. Some examples of this would be spaghetti and hotdogs, oatmeal, soup and plain rice. Once dinner is complete I clean up and put things away for the next day. We separate the trash out and have a compost in the yard for the scraps.

My job helps in my life. I am able to buy things that I need for my home. I am also able to help others that do not have food. I like living in Cazale. It is a nice place that has good water, but electricity and a good road would be helpful. RHFH is a good place. They have saved many people’s lives. Especially the children. When they employee people it helps many families. If I could make any improvements it would be a bigger kitchen. The one we have is to small. I would like people to know that I am a Christian and attend the Advantest church. I would like to ask you to pray for my family that they would be protected and remain healthy.

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