Words from Gretchen~Feb 1994

Dear L2,

We did not get a letter from you this week. I was very sad. I did get a letter from Jody and a Valentine’s day card from Judy. I cannot believe no one else is writing us. I thought more people would keep in contact with us. I am sorry I keep giving you things to purchase for us. I wanted to add some crystal light to the list. Dad needs some handkerchiefs as well. He uses 3 or 4 a day for all the sweat. It is very hot here. I got a clothes order in this week. It had several cotton dresses that are great for the hot weather. I also got the envelope with my bows. I think I have a color to match each outfit. Bows make me happy.

I was able to begin hanging up some of the pictures on the wall. I have to have help as you have to drill cement nails into the walls.

The boy with the burn on his hand did not come back yesterday. While I was at the feeding center In Lafito They brought a child to me with a broken arm. We were able to give her some pain meds and get her into a hospital in Port-au-Prince to see if they can get an xray and a cast placed. There are so few medical options.

Last Sunday we were able to attend Pastor Kelly’s church. We were there from 830 until 1. It was a really great service. They have lots of singing and special songs. They sing with all their hearts and sounds so beautiful. I love the way everyone dances and praises. They were out in the aisles swaying and praising. We are now at 300 days until we see you again. Boo hoo! That is way to long. I am looking forward to traveling up to the house for your phone call this weekend. I always look forward to talking to you girls. Casey is going well. He enjoys the box you sent to him. Of course he ate all the snacks in a few days. I have to remind myself that he is a 15 year old boy, but I try to tell him to stretch out the snacks.

The other missionaries here are going back to the states for a month. They have been showing dad how to run all the things here. It is a lot to take in and be responsible for, but we are up for it. I am working on learning the language. I am old and it is hard. I plan to go to the open air market today. I want to buy some fresh vegetables and fruit. This is always an experience and helps me learn the language.

When is your spring break? Licia how are you doing in English? Can you send me one of your papers? What are you planning on taking during summer classes? Lori how are you getting to clinicals? I want to remind you girls to not be discouraged. God is in control. I’m looking forward to Saturday (mail day) because I know I will get a letter from you. I’ll write more this week, until them I miss you and love you.


  1. Joan Brizendine says

    Sure loved getting to read this beautiful letter from your mother. I regret not writing her as mush as I should’ve. It breaks my heart to hear her say she wishes she had more mail / letters. She always made sure to send little notes to all the contributors in those early days. I sure miss her !!!!! 🧡Joan

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