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Throwback Thursday~Wensky

Wensky has been with us since the beginning of 2013. He came to us very ill and malnourished. He had no family that was willing to care for him and his mom had recently died. Once he arrived we discovered he also had an illness that would require medication for the rest of his life. This began the journey with us. He stayed in the center for some time and then moved to long-term foster care. During his time with us, he had 2 strokes and was very ill several times. Despite the turmoil currently happening in Haiti, we are extremely grateful that he’s still able to receive his medications on a daily basis. In the past few years, he has been living with a roommate and we are slowly transitioning him to adult life and living on his own. We are thankful that God merged our lives together and we continue to grow toward reaching our goal of him living independently.

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