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Staff Spotlight~Lorvelie

Meet Lorvelie: A Dedicated Clinic Worker from Cazale

My name is Lorvelie, and I have lived in Cazale all my life. I come from a tight-knit family of six, including my parents, two sisters and a brother. I am passionate about my role at the clinic, where I work four days a week. Initially, I started out by taking vital signs, weighing patients and assisting with record-keeping by pulling and filing charts. However, my responsibilities now include covering for a nurse on maternity leave in the emergency room. I find it incredibly rewarding to care for the seriously ill patients that come through the doors. My job is essential because the data I collect through vital signs helps medical professionals provide better care to patients.

The work I do is personally important to me. Since joining the team, I have gained valuable insights and knowledge. The cases we receive are often urgent and can involve severe injuries. I find it rewarding to follow patients through their recovery journey. Moreover, this job has taught me the importance of compassion, love,and teamwork. It has also equipped me with skills to teach my community about prevention and assist my loved ones.

RHFH is making a significant difference in the lives of those in Cazale. Their efforts to provide healthcare, education, assistance to those in need, and spiritual guidance are truly inspiring. I had the privilege of witnessing one of their life-saving moments firsthand. One day, a diabetic man stumbled into the clinic yard, causing panic and commotion. I rushed to his aid, checking his vital signs and discovering quickly that his glucose levels were dangerously low. By the time the doctor arrived, I had relayed the necessary information, and together, we were able to come up with an effective plan to care for him. Thanks to the swift actions of the medical team, the man was carried to the emergency room, where he received an IV and necessary medications. Remarkably, he was able to walk out of the clinic that same day on his own two feet. This unforgettable experience is a testament to the critical work that RHFH is doing in Cazale.

As a practicing Christian and member of the Catholic Church, I am reaching out for your support. Please pray for my family and me to have a deeper sense of unity. Furthermore, as a young woman living in Haiti during these challenging times, I am struggling with stress and anxiety. I would be grateful for your prayers.

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