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 RHA students used their five senses to convey their“ Thankfulness “

As we look forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, we thought of the many ways God blesses us. RHA students used their five senses to convey their
“ Thankfulness “ . Enjoy their expressions and please share yours with us .



Looks like beautiful orange and yellow colors of the sunset reflecting off the water at the beach while the soft , white sand is my blanket .

Sounds like beautiful voices singing Christmas carols in our church. Laughter and crinkling wrapping paper at my grandparents on Christmas Eve.

Smells like nature on a hike in Washington as I walk past pine trees , flowers and the sky – the smell of beautiful spreads around.

Tastes like juicy strawberries dripping down with bits of white chocolate melting in my mouth.

Feels like a gentle breeze touching my face and cool soft grass relaxing my body lying in our yard.


Looks like pages of ink that almost speak , telling of the stories they hold.

Sounds like notes, chords and tones of all kind’s singing together in unity.

Smells like meats , veggies , sauces and spices all blended together in a pot.

Tastes like apple cider, hot chocolate and grandma’s homemade Chexmix.

Feels like thin , leather-bound pages of wisdom , truth and law.


Looks like the sun rising above the mountains and turning the sky pink.

Sounds like ripping open the envelope of a letter from a friend.

Smells like the salty air at the beach.

Tastes like drinking a warm cup of tea after a long day.

Feels like hugging your parents.


Looks like the magnificent season of fall

Sounds like the crunchy leaves under each step of your feet

Smells like the fall scented candles

Taste like the scrumptious Haitian food

Feels like the cold wind blowing against your skin

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