Villagers View~Beke

Beke is a small area in the village of Cazale. Most of the people that live in our area are farmers. We grow corn, beans, millet, sweet potatoes, and roots. We also have banana, breadfruit, mango, coconut and avocado trees in our area. All of these fruits and vegetable’s give us life. We eat them and also sell them in our local open air markets.

Our homes are closer to the river and the land we plant on is farther away. We walk to our gardens and spent the day planting, weeding and picking the produce. There are some small areas that are close to the river that we can use the irrigation water but most fields we rely on the rain.

In our area we try to work together on projects and problems. If something needs to be fixed we try to talk together to see how we can resolve the issue. If someone has a fight the older people in the village do our best to try and talk to the families to find a solution. There are a few small places that sell items like crackers, cookies and snack items. It is someone that has a table outside their homes and displays the items for sale. There are others that will sell stable items like rice, beans, sugar etc in small quantities. One big item we have in our area is a large phone tower that also gives us internet access. There is the tower and a room attached to it that has a generator. They bring fuel to the tower and also use solar power.

We have two churches in our area. The Adventist Church and the Church of God. Both of these churches have schools for the children. Several years ago we would see kids out playing games with each other but now everyone is on their phones playing games. There are some kids that still play marbles, jump rope, and tag. Most homes are made with cinder block and covered with a tin roof. There are other homes that are built with rocks and clay.

When we are sick we go to the RHFH clinic or the government clinic. If it is a bigger illness then we go to the hospital farther away from the village. When someone dies we bury them within 24 hours or call a morgue to come from the bigger town farther away from us. Most people do not prefer the morgue because it is expense for us. When a mama goes into labor we call a local birth attendant to deliver the baby. If there are complications they travel to a hospital to deliver. We pray that our area continues to work together to help those in our community.


  1. Anna says

    always interesting to learn details of life in our neighboring communities .

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