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Staff Spotlight~Louna

My name is Louna. I have been working at RHFH since Dec 2008. My parent have both died. I have two brothers and four sisters. I have six children, some of them live with me and some live on their own. I own a three room home where I live. The home has a porch and a shower and kitchen outside.

I work two weeks on days and then 2 weeks on nights. When i get to work I go and check on the kids that I will be carrying for that day. I make sure they have clean diapers on and then get them ready to eat some medika mamba, which we give throughout the day. Next I feed them breakfast and give them a bath. Then it is play time until lunch. Once they have lunch they get a bath again and then take a nap. After nap time they have a snack and then play again. I then clean up for the day and check all the kids to give a report of the day.

I enjoy working with the children and seeing them healed and ready to go home. That makes me happy. The job has helped me over the years to be able to care for children and provide for them to go to school. I am also able to help my neighbors if they have a need. Several years ago there was a young man named Vilson. He did not have any family that could care for him. I took him to my home for several months but he got very sick. They took him to a hospital and he later died. I will always remember him because I thought of him like a son and he called me mama. Sometime we do not understand why things happen but we must trust that God gives and God takes.

For the area of Cazale I think it would be good if they have a school that could teach some type of profession. It would be great if there wa a place for the women to deliver their babies in a safe place. I am a christian and a member of the Nazereen Chruch. I would ask that you pray for me that I will always have good health and that I conitune to go well in my work.

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