Pictures from Cazale-transportation

In the town of Cazale, Haiti, people have come up with lots of different ways to move around and carry items and produce. Since there aren’t many good roads, they sometimes have to get creative. But they always find a way to get from place to place. Even in the difficult times.

  1. Walking and Head Carrying: While some opt for more conventional forms of transport, many people in Cazale rely on walking to get to their destinations. They skillfully balance loads of produce and items on their heads or carry them in bags.
  2. Animal-Assisted Travel: Horses, donkeys, and mules play integral roles in transportation, carrying both people and goods across challenging landscapes. Their strength and endurance make them invaluable assets for traversing the hilly terrain of our community.
  3. Motorcycles: A popular choice for traversing longer distances, motorcycles are a common sight on the roads of Cazale. Locals use them not only for personal transportation but also for hauling goods and produce, making them versatile vehicles in our area.

4. Homemade Modes of Transport: Given the scarcity of paved roads, many residents have constructed their own unique vehicles, including wooden carts and modified bicycles. These homemade forms of transport enable individuals to navigate the rugged terrain of Cazale with ease and efficiency.

5. Adapted Pick-Up Trucks: Many pick-up trucks in Cazale have been repurposed to transport a variety of goods, including produce, items, and even people. These vehicles serve as vital lifelines, connecting different parts of the community and facilitating trade and commerce. Other larger trucks transport fuel, water, rocks, sand and other materials.

6. Wheelbarrows: An age-old mode of transport, wheelbarrows are frequently used in Cazale to transport goods and materials. Whether it’s carrying construction supplies or delivering produce to market, these simple yet effective tools play a crucial role in daily life.

In the community of Cazale, Haiti, transportation takes on a multitude of innovative forms, reflecting the resourcefulness and adaptability of those who live here. The diversity of options ensures that everyone can find a way to move about efficiently.


  1. Bekki Ortiz says

    Eddie and I had to chuckle over photo #3. The most people we have seen on one motorcycle there was 7. Necessity being the mother of invention! Much love to our family there!

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