Worship Wednesday: What do you love about Jesus?

By: Casey Zachary

I finished up Margaret Feinberg’s book, The Organic God a few weeks ago.

It is a quick and pleasant read.

One of the many points that made me raise my eyebrows and think was her discussion on personal evangelism and the struggle that it sometimes is for her. Discussions degenerate into debates that inevitably devolve into downright disputes over how domineering and disharmonious disciples of Christ can be.

She writes about a simple method another Christian man uses when talking with unbelievers (or even dissatisfied/disgruntled believers or happily content believers…really it is an outstanding question for anyone). He frames the dialogue with the question, “What do you love about Jesus?”

I found that question to be rather refreshing. Rather freeing.

If I asked that question in the context of evangelism, I’d actually listen to the person instead of frantically trying to put together a rebuttal for any reason they throw at me as to why they are not Christians.

Perhaps this is simplistic, but I think that is the point. Too often, in my mind I complicate things, approaching personal evangelism with the understanding that an unbeliever needs me to remove every doubt that hinders them from coming to Christ.

At times I make my words, ideas, and perceptions, albeit about Christ, more primary than the person and work of Christ himself!!! Other times I shrink back from the responsibility and opportunity to share Christ at all. In regards to personal evangelism, what should be a liberating and exciting activity for me is too often a paralyzing and frustrating one.

Just because someone is a missionary doesn’t mean their default is to boldly proclaim the Gospel to every single individual they meet. While sharing one’s faith cross-culturally is often tedious and wrought with complications, at times, it is easier to do that than to witness in one’s own cultural context. Sometimes it is easier to share the good news with people from the opposite end of the cultural or economic spectrum than it is with your own neighbor.

God didn’t promise that evangelism would be easy or that it would always be effective. But he does promise to be with us every step of the way.

But if we are going to ask the question, we certainly better be prepared to answer it. So how would you answer it?

What do you love about Jesus?


  1. Caroline says

    thanks for this Casey! One of the things I love most about Jesus is that He sustains me. He knows exactly what I need before I know what to ask for. I have had a really hard week at work and have felt so put out then woke up this morning with a renewed strength and encouragement to get through the next few days. He never tires or weakens and He is more than good to me!

  2. Bekki says

    ahhhh. What I love about Jesus is that He loves people and puts their needs ahead of everything else. I mean, He didn’t argue doctrine with the paralytic, He healed him. He loves the little snotty nosed kid with dirty diapers, the homeless guy who hasn’t washed in a month, the woman in the checkout line in front of me with 200 items and 7 boisterous kids. His love is amazing – it gives me something to attempt to emulate.

  3. Casey says

    Excellent answers Caroline and Bekki. Like the apostle John says at the end of his Gospel, “Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.”

    Jesus isn’t just the reason for the season around Christmas time. He is the sustainer of all creation like Colossians 1 describes.

    And even when I am wallowing in self pity and doubt, or being lazy, or having a poor attitude and spewing venom in every direstion, he is at the right hand interceding on my behalf.

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