Giveaway for subscribing to the RHFH blog…

***If you subscribe to our blog, please leave a comment below and you will be entered into a drawing to win The New Shape of World Christianity by Mark Noll.

If you use a blog reader, such as google reader, we hope you subscribe to our RSS feed.

However, several people have inquired as to whether or not there is an alternative option, since they are not familiar with/ do not use a reader. Below is an option to have the Real Hope for Haiti blog posts delivered to your email. If you sign up, you’d receive one email per day we actually post. Each email would have every blog post from the previous 24 hours contained in it, pictures and all!!

Enter your email address:

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Subscribing to our blog, via RSS feed or email, will ensure you won’t miss what God is doing in and through RHFH.

You can also choose to subscribe via email at any time by using the widget located in the right hand column on our blog, below our FB friends.

In addition, when visiting our blog, please take the opportunity to share with your friends and followers on FB/ Twitter anything that grabs your heart with the buttons at the bottom of each post. Many of you have done this and we thank you. We have gained new friends and many of our specific money raising challenges have been helped by the use of social media.

As always, thank you for your kindness and support. God uses your generosity, with your words of encouragement, sacrificial donations, and sincere prayers to strengthen and sustain us as we labor for Christ.

***Remember to subscribe and leave a comment below for a chance to win this great book.


  1. Casey says

    I subscribe via RSS reader and email, so enter me twice, SVP!

  2. Tom Vanderwell says

    I only subscribe via Google Reader (RSS) so Casey gets two entrys and I only get one. But I’m okay with that…..


  3. Sarah from Canada says

    I subscribe via RSS and follow on Facebook … two entries for me? 😀

  4. Casey says

    Sure, two entries for you Sarah

  5. Zack Holt says

    I follow by RSS

  6. Janet says

    I subscribe to the blog and follow on facebook. 🙂

  7. April says

    I subscribe on Google, and I get email, and I “like” you on facebook. I’m not sure how I ended up following by both the reader and email, but I don’t miss RHFH news!

  8. Lindsay rossetti says

    Love God. Love Haiti. Love what you guys do. 🙂

  9. Courtney says

    I subscribe via google reader.

  10. Elizabeth says

    I subscribe via Google Reader

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