Please Pray…

printable PDF:  Haiti Prayer List

Pray for God to receive Glory:
Pray God would change the hearts of gang members perpetrating evil and bring them out of darkness into His marvelous light.
Pray Real Hope for Haiti would be a strong and faithful witness for Christ in this difficult season.
Pray local churches throughout Haiti would persevere and trust in Jesus for hope and strength.

Pray for National leaders to have a wise vision and clear communication:
Pray for Prime Minister Alix Didier Fils-Aime to correctly prioritize how to establish security and move the country forward out of this current chaos.
Pray for the Presidential Council to be able to safely hold elections in 2025 to elect a new President. Haiti has not had a President since the assassination of President Moise in 2021.
Pray for the head of the police, Rameau Normil to calculate tactics that would help liberate gang held territories and establish security again throughout the country.
Pray for Godfrey Otunge, leader of the Kenyan forces assisting in Haiti, to coordinate with Haitian National Police and work towards achieving their goal of securing Haiti.

Pray for our community of Cazale:
Pray for strength and hopefulness to be provided by our Great and Capable God. That God would use these trying times to draw people to Himself and they might find true comfort in Him.
Pray for the gang members occupying Cazale to be transformed by the power of God and leave wickedness behind, or be removed from Cazale by the power of God.
Pray for many displaced people in Cazale who fled there from other gang-controlled territories and the families who have helped them. Everyone is tired and weary and there’s nowhere else to go. There are no police in our area, no government support of safety net. People are discouraged.

Pray for the medical professionals working at Real Hope for Haiti, to maintain focus and provide the best possible care to patients who desperately need it:
Dr. Elda, Dr. Stanley, Nurses Juliette, Carolle, Magdala, Christley, Pharlinda, Yolette, Roosnaderley, Tamara, and lab technician Wedgaline. (And all support staff as well.)

Pray for our staff that put themselves at risk, leaving Cazale to secure supplies:
Pray for Cadelien, Guy, Hudson, and Fabienne, that God would grant them safe passage, protection, wisdom along the way, and favor to find the materials we need to function.

Pray our missionaries have wisdom and discernment to know what to do and when to do it:
Charly & Lori Moise, Enoch & Licia Betor, Casey & Briana Zachary, Abigail Crowder, and all of our missionary kids. Pray we can connect with Jesus in a way that helps us navigate through the millions of emotions, memories, obligations, responsibilities, possibilities, and commitments we have to end up in the center of God’s will, and to be full of faith and confidence walking whatever steps He has ordered for us.


  1. Susan McAnelly says

    Praying for you all❤️

  2. Nancy Dillon says

    Praying! God is good!

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