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Words from Gretchen-Oct 27, 1994

It’s Sunday evening—looks like a busy week ahead, so I thought I’d write a few lines.

We just got back from Titanyen. Pierre and his wife had a baby boy! We took some soap powder, clothes, and other supplies, and we weighed the baby—8 lbs 2 oz, a very good weight. Their house was small, very dark, and as hot as an oven. There was a big mess left from the birth, but with water being so scarce, it’s hard to find extra to clean things up.

While we were there, others came to visit. There are so many children in the area. They came to the door—most were naked and had no shoes. They named the baby Zachary.

Everyone here hollers “Hallelujah” when they see Dad, especially when we’re in the village. We had about 25 to 30 people ride back with us to get water.

On Thursday, when I left the clinic, I only had three pieces of soap left. I told God about it—and about three hours later, a car drove up with 400 bars of Dial soap! Some of it had gotten a little wet, so we laid it out in the sun. Now, I can’t think of a bar of soap without crying. God is so good. Amen!

I hope your days are going well—mine sure are. Just keep busy with your schoolwork and keep praising God for taking such good care of us all.

It’s 6 p.m., and the sweat is pouring off me. It’s raining beside us and behind us, but not on us. Boy, I feel better now—I just stuck my head in the freezer for a few seconds. So refreshing! (My secret air-conditioning.)

Well, I guess I should sign off.

Love you, love you—miss you, miss you.

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