Prayers needed..

The cholera house already has 30 patients tonight.  We only have 25 beds.  There are 5 patients sitting up in chairs on IV’s.  A staff member from the intensive care tent just tested positive for Cholera.  We are right now bleaching down everything.  We have the 6 preemie babies, 4 other intensive care kids and Claudette that are currently in the tent that have been exposed to cholera.  We are going to go ahead and treat all of them tonight with medications.  We are feeling very worried about this sudden increase in patients.  There are from many different villages.  We are worried that it is going to keep increasing.  We need each of you to lift this up in prayer tonight.  We have a long night ahead of us. Specifically pray for– protection for the babies, protection for the other children, recovery for the staff member, the staff that is working so hard tonight to care for those ill, my kids, wisdom, steady hands for those putting in the life saving IV’s.


  1. Bekki says

    praying for all the above. Father, just be with RHFH tonight – be with the babies and the other kids in the ICU tent, be with the staff member that has cholera, be with the cholera house staff who have so many patients tonight, be with the staff in the ICU tent who must be scared, be with Licia and her kids, give Licia and Lori wisdom to best treat each case, and make the IV starts smooth and painless. Father, these are Your children – every one of them – and we know You never like to see Your children in pain. Banish Satan and his evil angels from the places where RHFH works and do not allow him any power. I pray for Your arms to hold them safely tonight. In the name of Jesus I ask these things, amen.

  2. Jawan says

    RHFH has been heavy on my heart since I was first introduced to this blog right under a year ago. You all have been lifted up in prayer tonight. As soon as I read your urging in your latest post, I stopped all that I was doing and spoke out loud to the Father, making your requests known. I asked the Lord to bring you to mind often and remind me to pray without ceasing (1 Thess 5:17). The gospel is good…..don’t doubt.

  3. judy says


  4. Carmen says

    We stopped and prayed as soon as I read the post. We will continue to pray. We have also been praying for the babies since the baby post. Hang in there!!!

  5. lora mapp says


  6. Erin says


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