
by :Licia

I am missing Missions Monday post (to keep me in focus), Saturday snacks post (for all the great links), Worship Wednesday (for great words from Jesus to keep me going), Chant Deperance songs (to hear the beautiful songs) and other great post by my little bro.  I miss you Casey.  I wish you would come back and share with us.  Surveys stink and I need you Casey Ray.  Come back please.  I love your post so much and they balance out the blog.  Would ya, could ya, please just give me a little something this week.  Your sis-Licho


  1. Anna K says

    AMEN. Casey- where you at?

  2. Bekki says

    Brother, where art thou?

  3. lora mapp says

    Yes Casey, PLEASE come back! You write words of Truth.

  4. Andrea Schmick says

    Yes. COME BACK (from a long time follower of the RC). You add so much to their work. 😉

  5. Lynn says

    Hey! Cut him some slack! It takes LOTS of work to be a trophy husband!!! LOL!

  6. Jess says

    I was just thinking a couple days ago how I miss seeing your stuff Casey. I will echo the one and only Anna K….where you at?

  7. Debbie Woodward says

    I was thinking the same thing. I know cholera ramped up but we still need your posts dear Casey.

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