
I will try to get everyone updated on Charlie and others RHFH  activities sometime soon.  There is just a lot going now and with Lori being gone the pressure is a lot more for me.  I have a specific need today for one of our long time patients at the clinic.  Her name is Marie Yves.  She had TB and had been following for 6 months for her TB meds.  A very faithful patient that took her meds everyday.  She began getting worse a few weeks ago.  She asked if she could go into another hospital to be admitted for in patient care.  She planned to leave this past Saturday.  She died on Friday.  Her family is very poor.  They have been working hard to care for her children and her.  They do not have money for the burial cost and she is currently in the morgue.  They did not ask us to pay for everything.  They just need some help with some of the cost.  A gift to the family of $250.00 would be a great blessing to them and help out with this unexpected need . You can use the paypal button in the upper right hand corner, or send it into our home office.  Real Hope For Haiti/P.O. Box 23/Elwood, IN 46036  Please include a note or memo stating it is for Marie Yves.  As always w greatly appreciate your love and concern for those that we dearly love.  Questions?  licia@realhopeforhaiti.org

The need for Marie-Yves has been met!  THANK YOU!


  1. Becky says

    I just now saw this. Has this need been met or how much more do you need?

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