
Earlier this year, we had this girl come in to the clinic.

Her hips, knees, ankles, and feet are all fixed in this position.  As we talked to her and her older sister, we found out that she was born normally and later developed these deformities around the age of 2-3.  Her legs are getting worse as she grows.  Their brother had actually came to the clinic the week before.  He is approaching 2 yrs old and his legs are starting to turn just like the sister’s legs.  The older sister didn’t want him to get worse and thought that maybe there was something that could be done to stop it.  Continuing her story, she explained that her mother and another sister had the exact same problem.  This one daughter was the only on in the whole family that wasn’t affected with this condition.  She even had an aunt with the same problem, but she died a few years ago.  They were unable to get all the family to the clinic.  I asked them to have someone go to their house and take a photo of the mom and sister standing.  This is what she brought me a few weeks later.

We arranged for the whole family to go to the Adventist Hospital in Diquini.  The ortho docs there decided to try to fix one leg on one person.  They picked the older sister (in the yellow shirt above).  They will try this one leg and see if this works.  If it does, they will see how they can proceed to help the whole family.  This hospital is cool!  CURE International in Haiti and Dr. Scott Nelson do AMAZING things and I love them for it!

AMAZING, I tell you!!

We only had to pay for the inital chart/paperwork.  The surgery did not cost the patient or us anything.  We are helping them (girl above and the sister/caregiver) with food and hygiene items – about $50 per week – as they are still in the hospital.  If you would like to donate funds for this family, we will be sure to pass it all along to them.  Thanks for your prayers for healing for them and wisdom for the doctors!


  1. Bekki says

    oh, Licia, this does my heart good to read this! Not only is she being helped by RHFH – but I am so happy to hear Hopital Adventiste works with you also! Every time I come serve I wonder what my fellow Adventists are doing to help – this gives me great joy!

  2. Debbie Woodward says

    Wow — this is amazing. What a blessing for them to have a chance to walk with fully extended legs. I am sure this is a long process and so THANKFUL to Hospital Adventiste for this blessing.

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