She is jumping…

Even though I do not want her to, she is going to have to jump out of a plane tomorrow because the goal of $13,000 has been met.  There was a total of 65 people that gave to this need.  RHFH is so thankful to each of you!  We are excited about this jump start fundraiser for our new cholera house.


  1. lora mapp says

    Praise God for His provision and great faithfulness!

    P.S. I think Lori could just skip the jumping:)

  2. Dee says

    Yeah God!!! Again and Again He proves His faithfullness!
    I also wouldn’t mind if Lori didn’t jump:)

  3. Phyllis says

    YES!!! Make sure someone is recording it!

  4. Andrea Schmick says

    hip-hip hooray! God is our Provider!

  5. Carol Harwood says

    Fly free and love it Lori!!!

  6. Elizabeth says

    I agree! RHFH sees enough adventure every day. Lori should feel free to stay on the ground 🙂

  7. Jacquelyn says

    I’m in for Lori jumping robe instead! :0) Congrats and God’s awesome hand!

  8. Jacquelyn says

    correction to my post “I’m in for Lori jumping “rope” not robe!” haah

  9. Chrissy Shaw says

    Yay! I’m so glad the goal was met!! 🙂

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