Missionary Buns

We’re pretty stylish out here in Cazale and we like to spend lots and lots of time making our buns look just right. It really is not an easy task to make the perfect missionary bun day after day, but somehow we each accomplish this in our own unique and glamorous way.

The bun is an essential mark of a missionary here in Haiti. It gets pretty ridiculously hot down here and there is no way we want to deal with pony tails or loose locks sticking to our necks or faces.

I would like to introduce you to a various assortment of missionary buns:

First, we have the classic “side scrunchy bun”. This bun is the lowest maintenance of the bunch, but still just as fabulous.

Second, is the preppy “top of head bun”. This bun looks great on younger missionaries and televangelist types, however, it is great for anyone on a particularly hot day.

Thirdly, I would like to introduce you to the elegant “clippy bun”. A cute style for church or for hanging out in the office.

Next there is the “mid skull scrunchy  bun”. It is similar to the “side scrunchy bun” but tends to be a bit more common and luxurious.

Last is the “bun of all buns”. Only the best and brightest get this look just right. Many with this particular style spend several hours each morning on their bun, however, as you can tell…the time pays off. Simply astonishing.

We would like to challenge you to guess which bun belongs to which missionary. You have these 5 dang good looking ladies to choose from: Joy, Lori, Licia, Dr. Jen, and Jess.

The first to guess correctly will get a copy of Jess’ book (someday….when/if it’s written).


  1. Mary D says

    lori, jess, joy, licia, jen.


  2. Dawn Scott says

    1- Licia
    2- Jess
    3- Joy
    4- Lori
    5- Dr. Jen

  3. Jess says

    Mary Davis…that was sooooo not fair.

    You get my book…someday. O wait, you’ll probably author my biography. NVM

  4. Tara says

    too easy — Mary beat me to it but TOTES OBVY.

    I myself like the unwashed for three days even with massive redried sweat low bun.

  5. dawn says

    Lol! 🙂

  6. Angela says


  7. Jennifer says

    Licia, Jess, Joy, Lori, Jen…..

    First time to comment, but who can resist a challenge.


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