Little Ms. Madelene

Our miracle girl is doing so good! You can read more about her history here, here, here and here.

Just wanted to show you the empty spaces in her mouth 🙂 She is about to get some big, beautiful, un-rotten teeth in!!

Thank you to each and every one of you who have prayed for her.


  1. Everly says

    She looks amazing—beautiful, healthy, happy.
    This makes me smile!

  2. Debbie Woodward says

    Hard to believe it is the same girl. WOW – I love it!

  3. Carla says

    What a cutie!

  4. Robyn says

    Oh my goodness! God is so good, she doesn’t even look like the same child!

    I’ve been wondering and perhaps I missed an update along the way, how is Darlens doing? I hope he is still alive and thriving, I think of him often

  5. Kathy says


  6. lora mapp says

    Wow…incredible ! So sweet:)

  7. Esther says

    I just went back and read the stories from when she first arrived. Let me just say Thank You. Thank you for caring for this precious child who needed not only physical healing, but emotional and spiritual. I praise God for giving her such loving people to take care of her after the years of neglect she experienced. It is amazing to see the change. God bless you for the work you are doing.

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