Worship Wednesday: Their Light Rises in the Darkness

Consider this a guest post.

I just returned visiting Real Hope for Haiti. While there, I made many observations, but there is one specific observation I wish to discuss today.

The observation is that the Real Hope for Haiti staff could not sustain the work they do in Cazale solely based on the love they have for the Haitian people or the desire they have to serve the underserved.

Something bigger, deeper, stronger is going on there.

It is a major SMH situation when I stop to think of what they endure each day, the needs presented before them, the gut wrenching stories that they don’t just listen to but require a response. How do they bear such heavy burdens with joy in their hearts day after day after day?

One answer came to me the last day I was in Haiti. The morning our team left, I shared a devotion out of Isaiah 58, which is where the theme verse for RHFH’s ministry is found (Isaiah 58:6-7). As I was studying it, several verses following 6-7 seem to point towards the root and foundation of this tireless energy and commitment the RHFH staff possesses. For those of you who have visited Cazale and shared life with the RHFH staff missionaries, I believe you will point your fingers at these verses and see what I see, that is, these verses coming to life in the lives and ministries of those at RHFH.

10 if you pour yourself out for the hungry
and satisfy the desire of the afflicted,
then shall your light rise in the darkness
and your gloom be as the noonday.
11And the LORD will guide you continually
and satisfy your desire in scorched places
and make your bones strong;
and you shall be like a watered garden,
like a spring of water,
whose waters do not fail.

Yes, God guides them, satisfies them, and gives strength to their bones.

As you pray for the RHFH staff, pray these words of Scripture continue to be a reality for them. Thanks be to God forever.

**We are a faith-based, boldly-proclaiming-Jesus organization. Some of the readers indicated in our website survey that they did not care for Worship Wednesday. My sisters liked it, and their votes count more than any others. So by familial demand, it’s back.


  1. Debbie Woodward says

    I’m glad its back!


  2. christi says

    I second that!!

  3. Holly M. says

    Keep it up! I love it!

  4. Lori says

    OH YEAH! OH YEAH! Worship Wednesday rocks. So does my little bro, Case. I love Jesus too and love telling people how cool He is. Good thing that Jesus doesn’t accept us based on votes, facebook likes, or twitter followers. He just loves us. I think that is totally awesome and worthy of a shout out. Thanks for coming back and hope you’ll stick around.

  5. Licia says

    Lori saw it first…she said look Worship Wednesday..I put both of my hands up to my mouth and gasp with excitement..you do not know how much this means to me. I needed this today. Love you so much!!

  6. Tena says

    This absolutely touched me and made me reflect on the time I spent there, literally made me skin crawl with emotion! Thank you!

  7. Bekki says

    Love love love worship wednesday. Hey, Casey, what’s SMH?

    love love love the RHFH staff!

  8. lora mapp says

    Casey, I love WW and am so glad you’re back!

  9. andrea schmick says

    Hooray! Way to bring this back (even if it is older entries). This is a rich component to your page! 🙂

  10. Karen says

    I am a new reader. This is awesome.

  11. Lynn says

    Hey Casey! Thanx for taking time from being a trophy husband and at home dad extraordinaire to share a Monday Mission Moment! We’ve missed you! Welcome back!!!!

  12. Lynn says

    Oops! I meant Worship Wednesday!!!!! Not Mission Monday!!!

  13. Sarah says

    Yay!!! Worship Wednesday is back!!! Thank you Casey! Just what I needed to read today and I can’t wait for more!

  14. Dee says

    Casey-many of us NEED Worship Wednesday! Please don’t go away again!!!

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