Update on MItha

You can read Mitha’s story here 

Mitha got her food amputated a few months ago.  She was able to go in this week to get her new leg.  There was a team of doctors and medical helpers there to meet Mitha and help her learn how to walk.  She goes into town each Tuesday to do physical therapy and each week is getting better at walking.


This is Mitha after her surgery and healing.

This is Mitha her first day walking on her 2 legs.

Over the past 2 years we have made a new friend named Epanie.  He has a story of his own that we will share sometime.  He lost his leg and is now living here in Cazale.  He loves Mitha and Mitha loves him.  The both has lost the same leg.  So what better to happen than this?

Epanie comes every day and works with Mitha.  He knows her pain.  He know her fears.  He know what she has been through and is still going through.  They are a perfect match.

 Please continue to pray for Mitha and her healing process.  She is beginning a new part of her life and we are all very happy to see her advancing and growing.


  1. Hannah says

    This is so exciting! I had a dream about her last night actually! So happy to see her walking 🙂

  2. Bonnie says

    How it warms my heart to see Epanie with his dear friend!

  3. Katie says

    oh boy, sitting here sobbing now!
    yay for epanie. what an incredible man.
    truly, your cazale men humble me like nothing else.
    (i told susan from GLA that if gods plan for me is marriage,
    i want to marry a man from cazale.
    it seems like god has concentrated a massive portion of goodness, faithfulness & gentleness & love in the men from cazale)!

    praying for you all

  4. Angela says


  5. Bekki says

    MITHA! This brings so much joy to my heart – I remember seeing her when she was still in the baby room and she just danced her little heart out on her bottom – so glad to see her WALKING!!!!

  6. Kelly D < :) says

    Great news for Mitha!!

    Praying for her continued recovery and for those who will work with her through out her life!

    Loving God, Loving Haiti, Loving Mitha!

    Kelly D < 🙂

  7. D says

    why can’t I see her “backstory”? It wants a login and password….

  8. Licia says

    I tried it here and it is working. I went ahead and reset it again so it should work.

  9. Shawn says

    Not a day goes by that this little girl isnt on my mind. Without you I cant begin to fathom what would have happened to her. I will never forget her grandmother bringing her through the gate and unwrapping her. Her entire heart for her granddaughter was placed in your hands. She trusted you, and rightfully so. God continues to work through RHFH! YOU’RE BLESSING TO MANY!!!!! Watching this little baby grow into an active toddler and now a little girl has been amazing! Thank you for sharing!!!

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