*Cape Girardeau, MO Team*

We were so happy to host a team from La Croix United Methodist Church in Cape Girardeau.  This was a fantastic group of people excited and ready to serve.  It was an honor for them to come and spend some time with us here in Cazale.

During the 1.5 days that they worked here, they treated 61 pts and pulled 224 teeth.  224!!!   Friday=99 and Saturday=125.

They and their translator treated each patient with love and respect.

They had many smiles to share!

They treated difficult cases with flexibility and professionalism.

They were organized and efficient.

The worked as a unified team.

They performed dressing changes with a tender heart and hand.

They made hygiene kits for cholera patients, bagged up meds, put away supplies, organized clothes to give away, and played with the kids.

They also did something that they had not idea that they were doing.  They helped me get through the anniversary of my mom’s death doing exactly what she would have wanted – helping people.  I was a bit worried when I knew that Licia wouldn’t be here with me this year.  I thought that I might have a down and depressed day.  Well, mom just wouldn’t have it that way.  She and God arranged a special team to encourage me, care for lots of Haitians, and bring Glory to God’s Kingdom.  They took the time to talk and pray with me.  There was no shortage of hugs either.  For anyone that knows me well, hugs are just not my thing.  Somehow, I didn’t mind and accepted each one as coming from my dear mother that I miss so very much.  She was a special lady who had a big heart for loving all kinds of people.  Though she is gone, it is wonderful to see and experience that same love that I saw and learned from her in the hearts and lives of Christian brothers and sisters.  Though ya’ll were only here a couple days, you made an impact on our village and me.  Keep serving.  Keep loving.  All to His Glory.  I hope that you return again.


  1. Tanya says

    thank you for sharing the legacy of your mom with your readers!

  2. Wendi says

    Go Mo!

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