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Infant formula update

My goal was to raise enough funds for the infant formula for 3 months.   That comes out to about $2325 to supplies the babies for 1 months worth of formula.  To have the goal reached it would be $2325 X 3=$6975.  So far we have pledged $2386 and received $2805 for a total of $5191  I would love to have this cost covered for next three months.  We  had 12 individuals and 1 organization donation for these babies.  I know that I know that I know that God will provide for this need.  We thank each of you that have given.  I have prayed for each of you.  I appreciate your sacrifice during these summer months.  Please continue to pass the word around for us and help us reach our goal.  We still need $1784.00
 Hungry for love, He looks at you.
Thirsty for kindness.  He begs from you.
Naked for loyalty, He hopes in you.
Sick and imprisioned for friendship, He wants from you.
Homeless for shelter in your heart, He asks of you.
Will you be that one for Him?

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