Update on Jn Iler and Paul

Jn Iler has been at RHFH almost a month now, and he is finally making solid progress in his recovery.  It took quite a while for his swelling (from water retention) to go down.  He had an appetite from the day he arrived, but was unable to eat enough calories to fight off the kwashiorkor.  A feeding tube was put in after just a couple of days when it became clear that he wouldn’t recover without it.  He has had a steady craving for rice with beans, but absolutely cannot stand the taste of the Medika Mamba.  Since the Medika Mamba is the key to steady, healthy weight gain, his feeding tube remains in for now. 

Jn Iler’s strength is returning; he can now stand, walk short distances, and transition from laying down to sitting up without assistance.  Just a couple of weeks ago his neck muscles were still so weak that he was barely able to support the weight of his head as he was helped into a sitting position.  Today he was giggling as he flopped himself onto his pillow, then would sit back up and do it again.  Please continue to pray for Jn Iler as he heals.  

  The kid loves rice and beans!  A hearty appetite is good progress.


Paul is adjusting well to being at RHFH.  We are seeing more smiles out of him, even a few giggles.  He is very content to sit and watch the interaction between the other children and adults.  He is more likely to smile while observing others who are laughing, rather than smile while someone interacts with him.  He is watching, learning, and is opening up.  Paul enjoys being held, and tends to quickly dose off into a nap as soon as he is snuggled up.  He often reaches out with his little hands to hold the hands of the adult comforting him. 


Paul is eating well and gained 1 1/2 pounds this past week on the Medika Mamba.  He still has a long way to go to get up to a healthy weight.  His skinny legs are strong enough now to allow him to stand, but walking is still hard on him.  Paul has not yet spoken any words, but we have seen him shake his head “yes” and “no” on a couple of occassions.  His usual communication is softly grunting and pointing.  We continue to work with him to develop verbal interaction, but it will likely take a lot of work and patience.  There is hope for Paul, and we believe in a God who can heal him, both physically and emotionally.

Please pray for Paul as he learns to accept love, and discover that he is worthy of love. 

Two boys that have been through so much hurt in their short lives. 

Two boys that are precious and need your prayers. 


“Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.”  Psalm 36:5


  1. Doris Ann Garrett says

    Allison, I miss you ad your special family. You mean so much to me.
    I know this is a bad time, but, God will take yor family through this too. It is so great to see the pictures of these precious boys and the progress they are making. Keep on letting God use you in His Own way.

  2. melissa alvarado says

    Allison, Your work is awesome. I’m in awe of your work. God will bless your family in so many ways.

  3. Candis says

    Great update on these precious boys. “Nou pas bezwen?” That brought me to tears. How terrible for an overwhelmed, under-resourced family to have to take on another mouth to feed–how much more terrible for the child to need his family, but also be reminded at every meal that he is unwanted. This is, indeed, an imperfect world. What would Jesus do? Exactly what YOU are doing.

  4. kathy says

    So encouraging to see the smiles.

  5. Stephanie says

    I praise the Lord for you.

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