
You can read about Felix here.  He was a man that had a hard life.  He was 52 pounds when we found him.   He had TB.  He did not take his meds for several months.  He got very sick.  We tried all that we knew how to do.  We talked to several doctors, even one that cared for TB patients here in Haiti.  They advised us to keep him here.  We did not have the room but we kept him.  We did not want him to die alone with worms eating him.  He told me that he knew he was going to die.  He did not even really want to live.  No one wanted to spend time with him.  He had a huge wound in his neck.  He was very skinny.  He had bed sores.  He had a terrible cough.  He had TB.  But…he loved to have his head scratched.  He loved to be teased.  He loved to make jokes.  One day when we were trying to get him to drink some milk and he got mad he told us he knew karate and he would use it on us if we did not leave him alone.  We wanted him to live.  We wanted to help him.  We wanted him to have a few years of a normal life.  Maybe even a happy life.  We wanted him to see his only son grow into a man.  But that did not happen.  He died.  He suffered.  He did not make it.  We believe that he is in heaven and in a much better place.  A local church came and prayer with him before he died and he accepted Christ.  Life is hard here, very hard.

Felix wanted his son to be cared for.  We would love for someone to sponsor his son in school this year.  The cost would be $250.00 for the whole year.  We are also still in need of funds for his casket, $387.50 is the remaining balance..  Please put “felix” in the memo of the donation line.   If you have any questions please email me at licia@realhopeforhaiti.org

Thank so much the need has been met for Felix and his son.


  1. Licia says

    School sponsorship for son has been taken care of! Thank You!!!!!!!

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