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Food for Families

The Real Hope for Haiti Food Box Program is still going strong and is providing food for nearly 200 families in the Cazale area.  These are families that truly need help.  It is such a blessing to be able to be a part of feeding the hungry bellies of these families, which include children, the elderly, and every age in between.


We certainly couldn’t do this alone, though.  Each month, Love A Child provides us with 100 boxes of rice packs from Feed My Starving Children.  The rice packs are used in the Rescue Center to feed our children several meals a week, and the remainder is distributed through the Food Box Program.  To finish out the food boxes, we rely upon donations to the program.  Other food and hygiene products that we receive are also put into the boxes for these families.

A big thank you to all our friends who help us help them.  If you would like to make a donation to help support this program, you can click here for information on making a one-time donation or a monthly commitment.


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