Villagers View~Fond Blanc

My nephew has been living with me for about 1 year now. Before this he was living with his father, who is blind. His mother died when he was a baby. His dad tried to care for him but it was to difficult for him and Calensky became sick and

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Villager’s View from Beniteau

My name is Beniteau. My mom and dad are dead. I have a brother, but I don’t know where he is living or if he is even alive. I come from a mountain village named Enard, but now live in a larger town called Sabourin. I don’t know how old

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Hope Family Spotlight~Medjina

Medjina has been with us since 2014. She has been with her Hope family since 2015. Her Hope mama has 3 other children and 2 that have died. They live in a 4 room home made of cinder block and cement and covered with a tin roof. Medjina enjoys going

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