Cazale photos: irrigation

It is the dry season in Cazale and the gardens depend on irrigation to survive. From as long as anyone can remember, river water is diverted from upstream and flows through a complex system of ditches to water as much land as possible. The water flows gently through the diversion

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New Admits to the Rescue Center

Anaelle is 20 months old. She has been following in the outpatient malnutrition program for multiple months, however, her nutritional status has not been improving. Unfortunately, her father would not consent to inpatient treatment until last week. Her weight for height is 6 standard deviations below the average for Haitian

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Clinic Review: Dec 2020

total patients=1303total days worked=12average pts/day=108.5adults=7530-14 yrs=549 prenatal=119births=14 asthma=5seizure=14diabetic=51hypertension=136anemia=60diarrhea=20heartburn=275cough & cold=203ear infection=15UTI=36STD=27fungal infection=25 kwashiorkor=12# of kids on 3 mamba programs (moderate and severe malnutrition)=38# of kids on 3 mamba programs that graduated=19 emergencies=29dressing changes=410patients sutured=17IVs placed=5 # of patients that had labs tests done=175# of lab tests done=650# tested for HIV=24tested

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Patient of the Month – Luxandia

We first met Luxandia when she was a baby. She was born with spina bifida. It was shortly after the earthquake and she was able to get surgery here in Haiti. She continued to follow in the clinic over the years. In 2017, she became terribly ill and was admitted

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Hebrews 11:1

Now faith is confidence in what we hope for  and assurance about what we do not see.

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