From Near Death to Life

Roberto is a 3 year old boy who was admitted to the malnutrition center on September 24th of this year with kwashiorkor/severe acute malnutrition. He had a fever and felt terrible. He was treated with broad spectrum antibiotics, however, after several days his pulmonary exam started to change- the breath

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Second surgery for Jalot

Need met! THANK YOU!! We first wrote to you about Jalot here needing surgery in Jan 2020. Due to COVID-19 it took us awhile to get the surgery completed. He has been working hard for several months doing Physical Therapy to see if he would be able to walk normally

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New Admits at the Rescue Center

Antonia is 8 months old and weighs 11 pounds. She was brought to the clinic by her mother.  She has been following in our outpatient malnutrition program for several weeks with not much change in her weight.  She was never breastfed as her mom is HIV +.  She has three

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