Bible Study Update

The three summer Bible studies were:1) Miracles and Parables of Christ – 16 people2) Abraham – 12 people3) David – 16 people The classes are completed and each class had a party to celebrate. There are 9 students that would like to share with you…. Today, I feel that I’m

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Haitian Recipe – Bouillon

Bouillon is a classic Haitian soup which our team enjoys every Wednesday for lunch. Like most other Haitian foods, the recipe can be adjusted per each family’s preferences. Each province within Haiti has a different way of preparing it depending on the produce available in their region. Most often, beef

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Guest post from Volunteer Caroline

Eleven years ago, during my last semester of nursing school, I went on a short-term mission trip to Haiti with my local church. At the end of that trip we spent a few days visiting Real Hope for Haiti, where I was introduced to people who were bringing the hope

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Villagers View~Dechapelle, Cabaret

My name is Lesly. I live in the town of Dechapelle, near Cabaret. I was born in the South. I do not have any children. My parents are dead but I have a 2 sister and 1 brother that is alive. I live in a 2 room home made of

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